So true! Thank you for encouraging us to live boldly. I work in a public high school teaching, and it is exhausting going on under the radar. I do preach truth as much as I can in my classes, probably the only one on staff who doesn’t use pronouns, and I hope, by my refusal to promote and discuss all their woke garbage in my classes, is at least showing that I do not support it. I would like to do more, however at this point in my family’s life, I am the sole provider and just started in the teaching profession. But I am happier when I am able to speak truth freely and bravely. Keep up the good fight, Julia!

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Thank you for this, Katie! I can't imagine what it would be like teaching in a woke/public setting these days. I can't even imagine what it would be like being back at university.

You make an excellent point about freedom and happiness -- our silence might provide a 'security blanket' for a while but, ultimately, entrenched silence will eat away at us in ways that are hard to imagine.

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I also work in a public school setting and agree with you that’s it’s exhausting going under the radar. I am likely the only teacher at my school who won’t use pronouns. I teach in Alberta and a new policy will be introduced in the fall where teachers have to inform parents about pronouns. I know it will place me under the radar because of my views which I haven’t really revealed to people. Avoidance is challenging and one day, I know I won’t be able to stay silent. It’s like I’m betraying myself.

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I can't express how brilliant I find this essay to be, or how articulate (& courageous) a writer (& person) you are. Very-very grateful! And I don't want to make this comment about me, in any way, but as it happens, I'm a decades'-long collector of inspiring quotations, & you can find a lot of good ones about courage here: https://www.janetsplanet.ca/quotations/category/Courage

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Thank you, Janet. And thanks for the link to your quotations page. We all want freedom, or we say we do. But we forget that freedom comes with a lot of responsibility, at the very least the responsibility to be courageous in our words and actions.

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I, agree that we need to use our voice and say NO. We also need to not comply.

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I believe all people have the right to defend themselves from harm. This is the basic fundamental right. We need to be able to speak freely and organize and protest. In situations where we are in physical danger, we need to be able to use physical force to protect ourselves and family.

When the government takes away our ability protect ourselves, we are slaves.

I believe our governments and corporations and banks have weaponized our institutions to enslave the masses. This is bigger than just a question about vaccine mandates. I believe we are in a war against an evil group who want absolute control over everyone and everything. Have you noticed that all our rights are no longer protected. Freedom of speech and assembly and association are no longer protected. In Canada we saw how the Trucker freedom convoy was persecuted by government and media. Imagine a world where this is the new normal. No Freedom. Notice how a parents right to decide what is best for their children is being ignored or outright denied through legislation.

Notice how are constitutional rights to free and fair elections are violated. Notice how the justice system is being weaponized against anyone who opposes the evil group running everything. I believe most people are oblivious or so brainwashed by the media, they have no ability to think for themselves or see the truth of what is happening. Our schools, our hospitals and universities once taught the value of the individual and encouraged questioning. Notice how anyone who now questions anything is deemed a conspiracy nut or a terrorist?

Finally, I believe genocide is wrong no matter how “complicated “ the situation or history. Before a solution can be reached, the genocide has to stop. Unfortunately today, it’s not okay to say that Israel is killing thousands of innocent civilians. We are supposed to stay silent. I believe that this war was planned and is being carried out for many reasons. One is to divide us. I believe we must unite and not fight each other. This is exactly what the overlords want. Don’t take the bait.

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This almost sounds like a mantra that we need to keep repeating until we feel it firmly in our souls, and until others hear it and believe it. "We need to be able to speak freely... We need to be able to speak freely..."

We are enslaved to the government, i.e. to each other, in so many ways right now. Eventually, enslaved people stop seeing their enslavement and, what's worse, stop craving freedom. You can see this happening everywhere now. "What would I do with freedom anyway?" our culture seems to echo.

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Dr. Ponesse,

I’m currently reading your most recent book, Our last innocent moments. I find myself again and again agreeing with your insights. I will also admit it’s painful to read because it reminds me of my alienation from friends. I am stronger for refusing the Covid vaccine and like you being removed from my teaching position for noncompliance. I have virtually no one among my family or friends who understand me and my feelings of betrayal by the government and society at large. In your book, I sense you may also feel betrayed. It’s painful to know and understand how serious a breach of trust “they” committed by going along with the government mandates - allowing our our hard fought for rights be violated without much thought. I can’t speak to anyone about what’s happened and still happening because our perceptions of everything are now so different. I feel completely alien in my own country. I know like minded people exist but only online can I find them. I think to make progress in helping us fight back we need to find like minded people in our neighborhoods. I have to do this but it seems impossible. The zombie group think us so thick.

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Love you with all my heart and thank you for this essay, Dr. Ponesse! I loved Amanda's recitation ( I used to this for 12 years, recite poems competitively, it brought back so many fond memories :-)). I am too afraid to say:

1. I believe that Pasteur has been wrong with his germ theory alongside the medical establishment that profited from it and Bechamp been right all along with terrain theory that didn't garner same profits.

2. I believe that President Trump, if allowed to be elected, would end both wars; but I think will likely happen is that President Trump will be imprisoned, killed in that prison, RFK Jr will be "assassinated", all in order for President Biden to end up war time "hero" President.

3. I believe that personal trauma accelerates one's courage.

4. I believe that technology is dehumanizing.

5. I believe that there can be bad people in our life and in order to save oneself, one needs to recognize and stay away from.

6. I believe finding our purpose is worth fighting for: to be our own Don Quixote in life.

7. I believe that people who de-value us are not worthy of friendship.

8. I believe that telling truth to power, matters above all.

9. I believe that narcissism is an epidemic.

10. I believe that belief in a God matters.

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Oh! I didn't know that was a thing -- reciting poems competitively!

Thank you so much for offering your own "too-afraid-to-says." :)

The narcissism epidemic. I had no idea how powerful this was until 2020.

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As always, absolutely brilliant! You have been such a wonderful voice of reason for me over these past few crazy years! Thank you so much! I get goosebumps when I read your writing! So so wonderful! We have been put through the paces and still standing! I would stand up and speak again and again with no hesitation. I lost a lot, but what I gained in courage and strength from standing up to the nonsense far outweighs any of the loss. You helped to see this! Loosing a career, isn’t a loss when your shown the true colours!

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Thank you very much, Dr. Ponesse. I'm delighted you're still teaching.

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Thank you Rose_Anne!

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RFK jr is a part of the predatory cartel. You might want to read Alison McDowell wrench in the gear about RFK jr and his circle.

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Thank you for this, though it wasn't the main theme of the article.

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Yes, I know, but this list is quite naive, sorry. You can drop most of the 'believe'.

Further to Alison's work (not only of RFK jr, btw, her work on human capital markets is earth shattering) you might want to read/study the work of Katherine Watt, Sasha Latypova, Catherine Austin Fitts just to name a few.

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I also believe in speaking out against injustice, especially for those weaker than us. When children and the elderly were being harmed, it was a moment of awakening to see so many comply. I strongly feel what we are headed into in the next few months is due to so many remaining silent.

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Thanks for your comment, Andrea. Silence, historically, has been such a crutch and such a catalyst for evil. We need to do all that we can to shake out of us the idea that silence is harmless.

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The difference between the child and the uncritical adult, however, is that at least the child is curious and unafraid to speak.

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